The 20 most important shortcut keys in IAR Embedded Workbench

IAR Embedded Workbench provides many smart features to speed up your development workflow. One example is the available keyboard shortcut keys that you can use instead of reaching features from the menu commands.

To start with, there are of course some general shortcuts you can use in IAR Embedded Workbench. Two examples are [Ctrl+C] for copy and [Ctrl+V] for paste. But there are also tool-specific shortcuts that can make your daily work even more efficient. We have gathered a bunch of shortcut keys that we think are the most important ones.

Shortcut keys for Editor and Builder




Find Ctrl + F Search words in the active text file
Find in Files Ctrl + Shift + F Search the string not only in the active file but also project directories, include files.
Replace Ctrl + H Replace the strings. It is useful for refactoring.
Go to Definition F12 Jump to the definition of selected variable, function, or so on.
Block Comment Ctrl + K Block comment for the selected lines. You can also uncomment with Ctrl + Shift + K
Auto Indent Ctrl + T Adjust the indent of selected lines of a source code.
Match Brackets Ctrl + B Highlight the corresponding bracket range to make it easy to understand the matches.
Toggle Breakpoint F9 Set code breakpoint to the line.
Make F7 Make the project
Rebuild All Alt + P+B Similar to Make, but it also cleans the existing objects before Make
Next Error F4 Jump to the Build Error message if there are any in Build window.
Navigate BackWord Alt + Left Jump back to the previous position from "Go To Definition" or so on.
Download & Debug Ctrl + D Download the executable code to the device and start C-SPY Debug session.

Shortcut keys for the C-SPY Debugger




Go F5 Run the halted target device
Step Over F10 Step over the source code
Step In F11 Step in to the called function
Step Out Shift + F11 Step out from the function
Break Alt + D + B Try to stop the running target
Reset Alt + D + R Execute Reset command CPU must be stopped
Stop Debugging Ctrl + Shift + D Quit Debug session

Create your own shortcut keys!

Maybe you are used to different shortcut keys than the ones listed below, or want to use additional shortcut keys? No problem. In IAR Embedded Workbench, you can easily create your own shortcut keys. To do this, choose Tools > Options.


To customize any shortcut key, select Key Bindings and then Edit in the drop-down list. In this view, you can also create a completely new shortcut key.


And now? Well, if you are using for example Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, feel free to press [Ctrl+D] to bookmark this page in your web browser. Or use [Ctrl+P] to print the page and put it on your deskside.

We do no longer support Internet Explorer. To get the best experience of, we recommend upgrading to a modern browser such as Chrome or Edge.