IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX

完整的开发工具链,为所有 RX 器件创建更小、更快、更智能的代码。



人性化的 IDE

带有项目管理工具和编辑器的集成开发环境。包括链接器和库工具、RX 系列所有芯片的配置文件、示例项目和代码模板以及 Renesas FIT 集成。



IAR C/C++ 编译器为 RX 开发提供了高度优化的编译器。它提供重新定位的 RX 汇编器和运行库,且符合 Renesas RX ABI 和 ISO/IEC 9899:1999 标准。



C-SPY 调试器是一个具有 RX 模拟器的综合调试器,支持硬件上的 RTOS 感知调试,时间轴可视化功耗、调用堆栈和中断活动,以及具有功耗分析的功耗调试支持。



IAR Embedded Workbench for RX 通过插件产品 C-STAT 提供集成的静态代码分析,确保代码质量,并证明符合 MISRA C:2012 等标准。此外,还提供了具有运行时分析功能的插件产品 C-RUN。



购买适用于 Renesas RX 的 IAR Embedded Workbench 后,您可以通过我们的 IAR Academy on Demand (AoD)产品获得免费培训课程。



Latest release: 5.10

  • Library support for the C++17 language standard

    The toolset includes a new C++ library that supports C++17 library features.

    Additional GNU C language extensions

    The IAR C/C++ Compiler supports a number of new GCC-style operators, attributes and expressions in extended language mode.

    Editor and IDE enhancements

      • Editor themes - a new way to set up the colors and fonts in the text editor
      • Syntax feedback - instant syntax suggestions while typing
      • Improved parameter hints
      • Window color themes - dark mode
      • Gray out inactive code support

    RX660 and RX26T supported

    The RX660 and RX26T groups of microcontrollers are now supported.

    Iarbuild enhancements

    The iarbuild command line build utility now supports:

      • Generating a Ninja build file based on the IAR Embedded Workbench project format
      • Generating a JSON description of the Embedded Workbench project
      • More C-STAT reporting and configuration methods

    64-bit Windows application

    IAR Embedded Workbench now runs as a 64-bit Windows application.

    Visual Studio Code support

    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to:

      • Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects
      • Run the C-STAT static analysis tool
      • Debug applications using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench.

    C-STAT enhancements

      • MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2
        The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the MISRA C:2012 Coding Standard and now fully supports MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2. This Amendment adds two additional rules to MISRA C:2012 and introduces support for ISO/IEC 9899:2011, commonly referred to as "C11".
      • Improved performance
        Depending on the project, the analysis can be up to 40% faster and memory consumption reduced by up to 20%, compared to the previous version of C-STAT.

    Updated device support

    The device support files have been updated to the most recent version from Renesas.

    Updated user documentation

    The C/C++ Development Guide, C-SPY Debugging Guide, and IDE Project Management and Building Guide have been updated to reflect the product changes.

Read complete release notes

Version 4.20

  • C-STAT enhancements

    • MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1
      The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the MISRA C:2012 Coding Standard and now fully supports MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1. This amendment adds 14 additional rules to MISRA C:2012 with a focus on security concerns highlighted by the ISO C Secure Guidelines. Several of these address specific issues pertaining to the use of untrustworthy data, a well-known security vulnerability.
    • Extended coverage of CERT C
      The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the SEI CERT C Coding Standard. The SEI CERT C Coding Standard's goal is to provide rules for developing safe, reliable, and secure systems in the C programming language, with support for C11 constructs. C-STAT covers all rules in the different CERT C sections listed on the CERT C wiki as of January 2020, with the exception of the API, CON, POS, and WIN sections, which are not applicable to IAR Systems products, yielding a total of 90 covered rules.
    • Link analysis trace information
      The link analysis messages now display trace information when relevant. For checks looking for conflicting symbol names, all conflicting declarations are now listed in the trace information instead of each pair of conflicts being described in a separate message. This might lead to fewer reported messages for the same number of found issues.

    IAR Build Tools for Linux

    A new product, IAR Build Tools for Renesas RX is available. It contains the IAR C/C++ Compiler, IAR Assembler, Linker and library tools, C-STAT, IARBuild, and runtime libraries. Get product info

    Renesas Smart Configurator update

    The Renesas Smart Configurator (included) has been updated to V2.7.0.

Read complete release notes

广泛的 MCU 支持

支持的 Renesas RX 芯片

IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX 使您能够充分发挥 Renesas RX MCU 的性能和功耗优势。





我们为您的下一个嵌入式开发项目提供帮助。立即下载 IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX 免费试用版或联系我们获取您特定需求的产品报价。

IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX — 免费试用版


对于 14 天的限时版本,请注意以下几点:

  • 评估许可证的时间限制是 14 天
  • 不允许用于产品开发或任何形式的商业用途
  • 不包括运行库的源代码
  • 不支持 MISRA C
  • C-RUN 的大小限制在 12KB 的代码,不包括常量数据
  • 只提供有限的技术支持




硬件调试和 RTOS 支持

  • Debugging system support

    • Renesas E1 Emulator
    • Renesas E2 Emulator
    • Renesas E2 Emulator Lite
    • Renesas E20
    • Segger J-Link
    • C-SPY Debugger plugin SDK available for 3rd party debuggers

    RTOS support

    • OSEK Run Time Interface ORTI
    • Express Logic
    • Micrium
    • FreeRTOS
    • CMX
    • embOS
    • UNISON

    The RTOS plugin installs a number of new windows in C-SPY, most importantly the task or thread list windows where task-specific breakpoints can be specified and task-specific steps executed. Different inspector windows display the contents of the internal data structures of the RTOS such as timers, queues, semaphores, resources and mailboxes.


  • IAR C/C++ 编译器提供 C 和 C++ 编程语言的不同方言,以及针对嵌入式编程的不同扩展(请注意,并非所有语言标准都支持所有目标实现)。编译器可以被指示禁用扩展,以严格遵守标准。

    支持多种行业标准的调试和映像格式,与大多数流行的调试器和模拟器兼容。其中包括 ELF/DWARF(如适用)。

    符合 ISO/ANSI C/C++ 标准

    IAR C/C++ 编译器遵守以下 C 语言编程标准的独立实现:

    • INCITS/ISO/IEC 9899:2018,即 C18(仅限最新版本)

    • 编译器支持所有 C++17 功能。C++ 库支持 C++14,没有补充 C++17(仅限最新版本)

    • ISO/IEC 14882:2015,即 C++14

    • INCITS/ISO/IEC 9899:2012,即 C11

    • ANSI X3.159-1989,即 C89

    不同编译器的 ISO/ANSI C/C++ 兼容性水平存在差异。如需了解完整信息,请参考您所选产品中的 IAR C/C++ 编译器用户文档。

    IEEE 754 标准

    IAR Embedded Workbench 支持 IEEE 754 标准的浮点运算。


    MISRA C 是由 MISRA(汽车工业软件可靠性协会)制定的 C 编程语言的软件开发标准。它的目的是促进嵌入式系统中的代码安全、可移植性和可靠性,特别是那些用 ISO C 语言编程的系统。

    MISRA C 标准的第一版是《汽车软件中 C 语言的使用指南》,诞生于 1998 年。2004 年该协会发布了第二版指南,其中进行了许多重大修改,包括对规则进行了全面的重新编号。此外,MISRA C:2012 的扩展支持和 MISRA C++:2008 用于识别 C++ 标准中的不安全代码结构也被添加到标准中。

    IAR Embedded Workbench 包含一个插件产品 C-STAT,因此您可以检查应用是否符合 MISRA C:2004、MISRA C++:2008 和 MISRA C:2012 定义的规则。



    • 适于 ISO/IEC C 标准一致性的 Plum Hall 验证测试套件

    • 适于测试 C++ 标准一致性的 Perennial EC++ 验证套件

    • Dinkum C++ Proofer 测试我们的库是否符合 C 和 C++ 标准,并根据 C++ 标准测试我们的 STL 实现


Renesas FIT 支持

  • Renesas FIT simplifies development for the RX family. The technology is supported by IAR Embedded Workbench for RX.

    Renesas FIT consists of a Board Support Package (BSP), peripheral function modules, middleware modules, and interface modules and these can be used with IAR Embedded Workbench for RX.

    The tool Renesas Smart Configurator, supplied with IAR Embedded Workbench for RX, supports the following three functions related to embedding Renesas drivers in your systems:

    • importing FIT modules
    • generating driver code
    • generating device configuration code

    The generated modules are incorporated via the IAR Project Connection mechanism.