C、C++、C# 或 Java 源代码
IAR Visual State 是一个用于图形化设计嵌入式状态机(基于 UML)和代码生成的工具,能生成 C、C++、C# 或 Java 源代码。
设计和代码生成工具 IAR Visual State 可以帮助您妥善管理设计,并加速项目落地。由于该工具专为嵌入式系统设计,因此您能以简单而直观的方式使用状态机,不存在任何多余的功能。
与 IAR Embedded Workbench 紧密集成
如果在 IDE 项目中包含项目连接文件,IAR Visual State 生成的源代码文件将由 IAR Embedded Workbench IDE 自动处理。C-SPYLink 插件可以将高级状态机模型直接反馈给 IAR C-SPY 调试器,包括状态机图中的图形动画,并且可以在状态机级别而不是 C 级别设置断点。
IAR Visual State 可以生成非常紧凑的 C/C++ 代码,与您的设计 100% 保持一致,并且符合 MISRA C 标准。该工具已包含高级核查和验证工具,文档可以从统一建模语言(UML 子集)状态机设计中自动生成。
观看最新版本的 IAR Visual State 实际操作,并在此视频中了解如何开始使用图形建模工具。
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Modify settings.最新版本
Latest version: 11.2.3
Maintenance release
This is a maintenance release to fix bugs introduced in IAR Visual State 11.2.1 and 11.2.2. See the release notes for details. -
Improved C-SPY plug-in (11.2.2)
The main update is that using the IAR C-SPYLink plugin with Graphical Animation now works correctly with IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm v9.40 and newer.
Version 11.2.1
Improved cross-platform support
The product is available for both Microsoft Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20). -
Maintenance release
This release contains corrections and fixes. -
Update to HCoder (Hierarchic Coder) and CCoder (Classic Coder)
Now support regeneration of files with -force option that determines whether the HCoder or CCoder generate new files even if the files already exist. -
Update to CCoder (Classic Coder)
Now supports a project prefix for types and functions with -projprefix option and also supports placing the Coder result file in a folder other than the project folder with the -R option. -
Update to VSEditor
The Find dialog changed so search in guids can be optionally included.
Version 11.1.1
New user interface
This release contains a new user interface that unifies editing and all other tools into the same application. -
Windows and Linux Support
The product is available for both Microsoft Windows and Linux -
Updated user documentation
Version 10.1
Update to Documenter
The transitions out from initial, shallow history, and deep history states are now listed as part of the region these states are in.Update to DocumenterThe Documenter uses PNG files for images now rather than EMF files. -
Update to CCoder and HCoder
The Classic Coder, and the Hierarchic Coder now has an extra option so the chosen variant name can be automatically appended to the chosen output paths. -
Adds support for generation of Java and C# output.
The latest release contains smaller corrections and fixes.
IAR Visual State的评估版本包括设计器、验证器、验证器、代码生成器、文档生成器和项目管理器。您可以免费试用14天。