Master's Thesis
Are you an engineering student with focus on programming? Take a look at our master's thesis proposals!

Title text
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The master’s thesis work is done at our development department in Uppsala. You will have someone of our competent and helpful software engineers as your supervisor.
The master’s thesis work typically consists of these elements:
- Make an overview of the problem by means of literature studies
- Identify the most interesting alternatives for possible solutions by means of a theoretical evaluation
- Make real implementations of the most viable solutions and measure/estimate the performance/usefulness
- Compare the results with existing results in the field
- Draw conclusions
- Write a report and make an oral presentation
If this sounds appealing and you have any special interests or proposals, please let us know. Below are some guidelines for how to come up with proposals.
Master’s Thesis Proposals
Sometimes IAR has prepared thesis proposals, which we publish below.
However, we are not limited to these suggestions; we are open for discussing various ideas.
To prepare yourself:
- Read about IAR products and technologies
- Read through the summary of previous master theses at IAR, hopefully you can get some inspiration from earlier Master’s Theses.
Send us an email with the following information:
- Your interests, if there are any courses during your studies that you found specifically interesting, and what was appealing with them
- Project ideas and how that connects to our technology domain
- Your CV
- Personal letter
Contact us
Earlier Master’s Thesis at IAR
Measuring and modeling the power consumption in embedded systems (2017)
A comparison between Packrat parsing and conventional shift-reduce parsing on real-world grammars and inputs (2014)
Amazing trace (2008)
Transparent data compression and decompression for embedded systems (2008)
Optimizing stack frame layout for embedded systems (2000)
Global instruction scheduling for embedded systems (1997)