Establishment of Nomination Committee in IAR Systems Group AB

Stockholm, Sweden—September 30, 2018 — In accordance with the Annual General Meeting April 25, 2018, the Nomination Committee is composed to include Jonas Eixmann appointed by Andra AP-fonden, Mats Larsson appointed by Första AP-fonden and Jonas Wikström appointed by Stefan Skarin. Jonas Eixmann was appointed Chairman.

The task of the nominating committee is to propose the Chairman at the annual general meeting 2019, Chairman and other members of the board as well as suggesting remuneration and other compensation for each of the board members. The Nominating Committee shall also propose auditors and remuneration of the auditors as well as a process for appointing the nomination committee for the annual meeting 2020.

Shareholders who would like to present proposals to the Nomination Committee are welcome to submit these via