Secure Thingz delivers Security Made Simple For All with latest end-to-end security solutions

Version 2.0 of the Embedded Trust security solution enables easy on-ramp of security for new and existing applications

Cambridge, United Kingdom—March 16, 2022—Secure Thingz, an IAR Systems® Group company delivering advanced development and provisioning platforms to secure the IoT, today announced a major new version of its industry-leading security solution, Embedded Trust®, extending device support and enabling all embedded applications to be integrated into the secure supply chain. This supports zero-trust production control, preventing cloning through copying between devices, and protection against malware by ensuring all code and data is robustly encrypted, signed and structured.

Embedded Trust is an integrated security solution, leveraging the secure hardware built into next-generation microcontrollers to provide the low-level trust anchors and secure services needed for trustworthy IoT solutions. Version 2.0 of the solution enables existing applications to leverage advanced security capabilities simply, quickly, and robustly. With production security capabilities integrated into the solution, it is now possible to support production control for any application code which enables existing applications to be managed securely, adding identity, production control, and intellectual property protection. This critical capability enables organizations to support existing applications in meeting the emerging requirements outlined in emerging standard and legislation around the world. 

“The release of Embedded Trust 2.0, plus the aligned Secure Deploy flow, is a game-changer,” commented Haydn Povey, CEO, Secure Thingz. “There is a huge number of companies who are challenged to add security to their applications but who cannot justify starting over their development project to add security from the start. Our new technology enables these companies to rapidly integrate security into their existing applications, no matter where they are in their lifecycle and the development tools they used to create their code.”

More information about Secure Thingz’ end-to-end security solutions is available at

### Ends

Editor's Note: IAR Systems, IAR Embedded Workbench, Embedded Trust, C-Trust, C-SPY, C-RUN, C-STAT, IAR Visual State, I-jet, I-jet Trace, IAR Academy, IAR, and the logotype of IAR Systems are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by IAR Systems AB. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

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