IAR Systems presents extended offering for IoT security

Stockholm, Sweden—October 8, 2019—IAR Systems announces that the company has extended its offering within security. Together, IAR Systems and Secure Thingz have created a complete solution including software and services available globally. The offering includes the Embedded Trust Security Development Environment as well as the complete development toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench with the C-Trust Security Development tool and the C-STAT integrated static analysis tool, plus a set of services and training within security. In addition, IAR Systems announces support for several popular device families enabling a huge number of existing applications to now have security integrated. This launch is in close collaboration with processor vendors ST, NXP and Microchip.

“As a part of our vision to both meet customer needs and grow into a much larger company, today we’re launching an expanded security offering that includes training, technical support and consulting services,” says Stefan Skarin, President and CEO, I.A.R. Systems Group AB.

The security market is growing rapidly. According to a study by Grand View Research Inc., the global IoT market size is expected to reach USD 9.88 billion by 2025. This growing market is facing major security challenges, enabling attacks such as IP theft, counterfeiting and overproduction, as well as data theft and potentially life-threatening sabotage. The correct approach to solving these security challenges in a scalable and sustainable way is by implementing security measurements right from start, from the inception of a new application. The extended security offering provides companies with a straightforward way of building the right level of security for their needs throughout the development, manufacturing, and product management process.

“When it comes to security, it’s more important than ever before that we listen carefully to our customers’ needs and challenges. We need a complete understanding of how we can best help them implement security and move ahead in the necessary journey towards achieving this security,” comments Stefan Skarin, President and CEO, I.A.R. Systems Group AB. “During the last year, we’ve learned that the need to protect intangible assets is substantial, but that at the same time there are many customers who aren’t ready to replace their existing processes with new ones with embedded security. It takes time to embed security, both in the knowledge bank and in the products for our customers. We therefore need to find something that supports their launch and something that they can use with their existing solutions, and that is why our newly expanded offering includes support for some of the most commonly used processes.Together with our customers and partners, we’re continuing our journey towards increasingly secure products for a more secure world.”