IAR Secure Deploy
Complementary tools to secure global production processes and flexible cost-saving at your terms.

Secure manufacturing
We provide unique device keys and encryption mechanisms to securely provision authorized production of your products.
We prevents unauthorized replication and use of device software and data.
Secure production with zero-trust manufactures
To combine with IAR Embedded Trust and IAR Embedded Secure IP, IAR provides complementary tools to support device brands to achieve production stage security. The SD-P (IAR Secure Deploy-Prototyping) is to protect sampling and small-volume production, and SD-M (IAR Secure Deploy-Manufacturing) is to embrace mass production security.
IAR Secure Deploy - Prototyping (SD-P)
SD-P is a software tool to import encrypted product packages from IAR Embedded Trust and IAR Embedded Secure IP, and provision the devices. It is designed for sampling and small-volume production. Together with a Hardware Security Module (HSM), SD-P provides the interface to generate and program keys and certificates into physical product devices.
IAR Secure Deploy - Manufacturing (SD-M)
IAR provides assisting solutions to secure volume production processes. IAR transfers encrypted product packages with software code and application information to programming houses. IAR provides factory production tokens to define the total number of units, and the production system can produce and generate a unique key for each device, protecting your IPs and devices.
End user benefits
Together with IAR Embedded Trust and IAR Embedded Secure IP, IAR Secure Deploy adds unique value to secure the production process, mitigating supply chain geographic risks and device security.
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