Northern recruits Mårten Blixt as International Sales Manager

Northern, a subsidiary of Nocom AB, has appointed Mårten Blixt as its International Sales Director. Mårten comes most recently from Adobe Systems where he served as Nordic Channel Manager for the past six years.

Mårten’s sales experience will create opportunities for Northern to implement an international channel strategy, penetrate new markets and work more closely with key end-users. Since the start in 1995 Northern has maintained close relationships with its distributors in more than 40 countries and by recruiting Mårten the company sees potential to further strengthen these relationships.

“Mårten’s experience from the software industry and working with indirect sales will be a valuable asset for Northern,” says Thomas Vernersson, President of Northern. “In order to meet rapidly growing demand, Mårten will quickly establish a sales organization to serve both the Nordic and international markets.”

Northern Storage Suite, Northern’s proprietary software product, focuses on four main areas of Storage Resource Management – identifying and reclaiming wasted capacity, taking control over user behavior, planning for future storage investments and encouraging users to play and active role in solving storage problems.

Today, over half of the Fortune Global Fortune 100 companies use software from Northern for a comprehensive, cost-effective solution to their enterprise storage needs. Boeing, Microsoft and Nike are just a few of the organizations that have chosen Northern Storage Suite.

“Nocom’s investments in Northern have yielded a fast ROI and we are now progressing to an even higher level of investment with the establishment of an international sales organization,” says Stefan Ström, President and CEO of Nocom. “Northern has achieved major successes in the USA, and now that Mårten has joined the team we will launch new ventures aimed at repeating this success in other markets.”