Why is the application not running stand-alone?

Technical Note 240109


Arm, Renesas Synergy




2024-01-09 09:36


There can be numerous causes for an application not running. This Technical Note relates to these observations:

  • The application works when using the C-SPY debugger.
  • The application does not work in stand-alone mode.

The most common root causes for problems to run stand-alone are:

  • The C-SPY debugger isn't available to set up needed SFRs (Special Function Registers). This cause is covered in technical note 21904.
  • Trying to run an application without executing the corresponding boot-code. This cause is covered in this technote.


If the application is part of a 'bootloader-application-pair', then the application on its own can't run stand-alone. When using the C-SPY debugger, C-SPY can load and execute an executable at any place in memory. In other words, the application can be debugged in C-SPY without a bootloader installed.

When the application is built to use a bootloader:

  • Then the application is not linked to run at the RESET startup address of the processor.
  • So the application is expecting to be jumped to by some kind of boot code that runs at startup.
  • And if a user then restarts the target, (without a working bootloader in place), the application will not start and run.

Often, the remedy (to become able to run stand-alone) is to also download the bootloader to the target. But other actions might also have to be taken. This depends on how the bootloader and application interacts. (An example of a bootloader, an application and their interaction can be found in technical note 160822.)


This technote covers problems to run stand-alone when working with an application-bootloader-pair, while technical note 21904 covers causes related to C-SPY.

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