Dongle driver installation halts with message

Technical Note 59631






2017-02-13 12:18


Trying to install (dongle) drivers by running an executable file show the message:

"This installation package could not be opened...".

Possible solutions

  • Defragment the disk and try again.
  • Disable any anti-virus application.
  • Get a copy of the MSI-file being created during execution of the executable from another machine and run this directly.

Background info

If the executable is extracting an msi-file to be run by the Microsoft msiexec.exe AND the file system is heavily fragmented, the created msi-file may be broken. Thus defragmenting may help.

Running the executable on another machine, making a copy of the msi-file and using this directly could avoid this and other issues with creating the msi file on a particular machine.

If you need information on how to get a copy of the msi-file, please contact IAR support, referring to Technical Note 59631 and CALL ID 384960s_IAR.


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