Green dongle on dual- or quad core PC

Technical Note 53954






2020-10-19 10:06


This text is applicable for products that uses Activator M hardware locks. (That is, small "dongles" that connects to a parallel port. This type of dongle has a green plastic housing).


The green dongle is not used in the current (supported) products. Green dongles were replaced by other dongles in 2001 (and onwards).


The Installer fails to install the driver.

Possible action

It might help to run the installer in a single thread. But even if the installation works in this manner, there is no guarantee that the driver itself will work on a dual-core / quad-core.


  • We at IAR are interested to know if you can get a green dongle to on a computer with a dual-core / quad-core. If so, please inform us, so that we can improve this Technical Note.
  • The latest (made 1998) version of the driver is available in the Download driver link in Technical Note 98236.

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