Nocom holds 86.5 per cent of the share capital and 87.6 per cent of the votes in TurnIT

The extended application period for Nocom’s public offer to the stockholders in TurnIT expired on February 6, 2006. TurnIT has been part of the Nocom Group since March 22, 2005, and its share was delisted from the Stockholm Stock Exchange in May 2005. Acceptance of the offer Nocom’s offer has been accepted by stockholders representing 1,863,973 class A shares and 155,115,050 class B shares in TurnIT, corresponding to 86.5 per cent of the share capital and around 87.6 per cent of the votes. Reporting of payment Reporting of payment to the stockholders who accepted Nocom’s offer during the extended application period ending on February 6, 2006, is expected to begin around February 10, 2006. Extension of the offer The Board of Nocom had decided to give the remaining stockholders in TurnIT continued opportunity to accept the offer, and has therefore extended the application period until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2006.