Year-end report 2009

The group’s cash have doubled at the same time as the interest-bearing debt has halften. The group has now net funds on 28 MSEK compare to a net debt on 38 MSEK in the end of 2008. The financial position is continued stable with solidity above 80 per cent.Deltaco increased the turnover and reaches their best operating profit ever with 31, 9 MSEK for the full year. The company has strengthen its offer and increased the logistics efficiency which have increased the operating marginal to 8 (8) % per cent for the full year. IAR Systems increased and strengthen the operating margin to 11 (8) per cent for the full year. The company has during the year done major changes, which has contributed with a result improvement on 58 per cent for the fourth quarter. At the same time the license and maintains revenue has increased to 84 percent of the total revenue for the quarter. Northern increased the turnover for the full year, but worsen the result because of recunstructuring in the European organization in the fourth quarter. To guarantee that the company’s leading edge result in increased sales we provide the company resources from Nocom Software in February. During the fourth quarter the groups result has been affected by the recunstructuring in Northern, loss at sale of real estate and write-down of intangible assets in Nocom Software. The effect result of this measure amount to total 27,5 MSEK. With background of our strong financial position the board propose to double the dividend to 1, 25 (0, 60) SEK. ”During 2009 Intoi has increased the turnover in all subsidiaries, the groups result from subsidiaries is in level with past year and the cash flow has considerably improved. This has achieved in a weak market and has it ground in our work to develop and position technique companies” “The group’s stabile financial position and the activities strong marketing position, does that we can make the assessments that the groups operating profit will strengthen during 2010 with the objective to exceed 2008 years level” – says Stefan Skarin, CEO. Net sales (SEK M) 603.0 570.5 163.6 168.8 Profit from holdings (SEK M) 52.0 54.7 9.7 13.1 Operating profit, total (SEK M) 5.5 31.7 -20.6 1.9 Operating margin, total (%) 1 5 -13 1 Profit after tax (SEK M) 1.9 31.6 -21.7 0.4 Earnings per share (SEK) 0.17 2.85 -1.96 0.04 Equity per share (SEK) 53.57 53.98 53.57 53.98 Cash flow from operating activities (SEK M) 51.7 22.5 21.1 1.1 If you want more information please contact: Stefan Skarin CEO and mobil: +46 708 65 10 05 e-post: